Friday, June 14, 2013

June 9, 2013 - Feast of St. Anthony Procession - Utica NY

The sun returned Sunday morning as the Statue of St. Anthony emerged from the church as the Red Band played Gli Asperanti Bandisti.

Once the Statue was firmly in place on its pedestal, the band played several more numbers including the St. Anthony’s Hymn – sung in many Churches on this day.

When the 11:30am Mass was completed the Grand Procession was underway. Friend of the band and birthday girl, Frances Vendetti, walked the entire procession on the arm of her daughter Patricia, and her granddaughter.

Every year at the first corner we come to – we stop to play Marcia Reale for the Tocco and Aiello families. Frank Tocco, a former saxophone player, and Sam Aiello, a former trombone player, have been deceased for a few years now but every year their families come to watch the procession go by and we always stop to play in memory of their loved ones. Frank and Sam will forever remain dear to the Red Band.

The Procession continued on keeping the tradition alive of stopping to play Marcia Reale at every house that displays a statue or poster of St. Anthony.

Back at the church the procession was complete once the statue was carried up the steps and returned inside the church for another year.

For more photos please click on
St. Anthony Procession

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