Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 6, 2011 - Whitesboro Veterans' Day Parade

Whitesboro celebrated Veterans’ Day early by having their parade on the Sunday before 11-11-11. They also changed the start hour a few times – first with a 2pm start, then 9:30am, and finally decided 12:30 would work best so services at the Churches on the parade route would not be disrupted.

La Banda Rossa (the only band in the parade) was placed right in the middle of the parade. We had an American Legion Color Guard marching right in front of us bearing the American, POW-MIA, Vietnam Vets, and American Gold Star Mothers Flags.

The weather could not have been better – cool and crisp – sunny and bright. As we paraded down Main Street playing all five Service Songs of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard, the spectators were all waving small American Flags that had been passed out by parade participants.

The parade wasn’t long-but it did include Dan Murphy, leading the parade and playing patriotic songs on his Bagpipe, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, honored Veterans, Firemen, and American Legion Vets.

At the end of the parade as we gathered around the flag pole at the Legion – we were all ready to play the National Anthem to begin the ceremony – but someone wasn’t aware of the order of the program and the ceremony was started with a Prayer and then immediately went into a speech by TV Announcer Bill Worden. Thus we never got to play the National Anthem.

It concluded with a 12 gun salute and “Taps” was played on an Electronic Ceremonial Bugle usually used when a live Bugler is not available. How sad not to use a live more moving version of “Taps” especially when during the entire ceremony our Band including six available and qualified trumpet players stood silently by.

For more photos please click on the following link
Whitesboro Veterans' Day Parade

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September 24, 2011 - St. Cosma-St. Damian Feast Part 1 Saturday Concert - Utica, NY

If the attendance record for the Annual St. Cosma-St. Damian feast was not shattered this year, it sure came close. There was approximately 100 buses from Canada in addition to all the local people that attended.

When we arrived early to setup for the concert every picnic table was already taken.

The food pavilion was packed and “Horror of Horrors” – the Saturday night allotment of eggplant sandwiches were already SOLD-OUT!

The concert couldn’t start until the Candlelight Procession returned and Benediction was held on the Church steps – but we had our own candlelight under the tent. Many of the picnic tables were elegantly set with tablecloths and candlesticks. There was one table with an elaborate tiered candelabra and another with an autumnal floral bouquet. The evening’s 40 piece Red Band “Orchestra” included a special guest – Richard Galime and his wife, Mary. In keeping with their family tradition they make the trip from Chicago every year to play trumpet along with Richard’s father Al on trumpet, brother Michael on saxophone, and cousin Patricia Durante on bass clarinet and the newest member of the Galime family, audience member Lena.

We must not fail to acknowledge the fantastic solos by Richard on “Italian Festival” and Al on “Smoke Gets in your Eyes” – BRAVO!
Once again our concert included three National Anthems (USA, Canada, Italian), Polkas, Tangos, Marches, and Italian favorites. All were received with thunderous applause.

It looked like another successful concert would go off without a hitch when just moments after an encore of the “Tarantella” – a fight broke out in front of the Clarinet side of the band and exploded with it’s entourage right out across the dance floor where other people joined the fracas.

Within moments a whole squad of Police not only broke up the fight but declared the Feast over for the night and dispersed the guilty and the innocent in one fell swoop.

For more photos please click on the following link
Saturday Concert

Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011 - St. Cosma-St. Damian Feast Part 2 Sunday Procession - Utica, NY

On Sunday despite a gloomy forecast, it was sunny and warm with temperatures in the 80’s.

The Red Band has 2 processions – the first is to go to a house across from the Church to pick up two young boys dressed as St. Cosma (Green Robe) and Damian (Red Rob
e) and escort them back to the Church and Mass.

In between Processions the Canadian Pilgrims invited Band members to their tables to share food and wine.

For the Grand Procession following the Mass, we split into two bands – one in front of the first Statue to lead the way and one in back of the last statue with hundreds of Pilgrims in-between.

Once again we were greeted by the Tocco Family at the corner of St. Anthony and Mary Streets. With them are two empty chairs so poignantly symbolizing their parents who for many years watched from that corner. It brings a tear to many eyes.

We stop and played “Marcia Reale” to honor all the homes displaying large posters of the Saints. Then we continue with all our Italian procession marches. These songs have echoed through the streets of East Utica for over 100 years – La Banda Rossa Classics.

The walk ended at the Church steps where the huge crowd gave honor not to just Sts. Cosma-Damian but also to St. Padre Pio whose Feast Day is September 23rd. His Statue was also prominently displayed on the Church stairs. (on September 20, 1918, Padre Pio was kneeling in front of a Crucifix when He received the visible marks of the Crucifixion known as Stigmata).

No fights broke out on Sunday!

For photos please click on the following links
Sunday morning procession photos

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 18, 2011 - San Gennaro - Utica, NY

San Gennaro is a fairly new Feast that the Red Band has been asked to participate in.

In 2007, 2008, 2009 we were part of the San Gennaro Feast that was held at Turning Stone Casino and Resort in Verona, New York.

Last year we were part of the San Gennaro Feast that was held at The Order of the Sons of Italy on Bleecker St. in Utica. We were invited back again for their Sunday entertainment program.

The Feast ran from Friday to Sunday. Easy Money Big Band performed on Friday night and Holiday performed on Saturday night. Musicians from both of these bands also perform with La Banda Rossa.

The beautiful. crisp, fall morning began at the Church of St. Mary of Mt. Carmel/Blessed Sacrament with a Procession that included an Honor Guard of Navy ROTC Students, the Statue of San Gennaro, and La Banda Rossa.

We escorted the Saint from the Church to Bleecker St. and right under the tent that housed a special Shrine just for the Statue.

San Gennaro was the Bishop of Naples, Italy and was beheaded during the Diocletian persecution in 305 AD. A vial of his blood was preserved after his Martyrdom and it miraculously liquefies each year on his Feast Day Sept. 19.

He is also attributed to saving Naples from destruction whenever the mighty Mount Vesuvius erupts. He’s had a very good track record now spanning centuries. Mount Vesuvius had been quite active right up until 1944.

The Red Band returned in the afternoon to give a concert from 4:00-6:00 to close out this year’s Feast. We performed an extra-special number at the conclusion of our concert.

The 10th anniversary of the attack of 9-11 was last Sunday and to honor those lost we played a Marcia Funebre, an Italian Funeral March, titled Una Lagrima ed un Fiore – A Tear and a Flower.

Then we played the very patriotic march National Emblem followed by God Bless America.

It was surprising and stirring to see the audience rise to its feet and belt out God Bless America just like the Great Kate Smith! What a Finale! Bravo La Banda Rossa!


To view photos please click on the following link

Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 26, 2011 - Lady of Lourdes Church Bazaar Utica, NY

The powers that be that are in charge of booking entertainment for the annual Lady of Lourdes Bazaar decided to go for something different this year and asked The Red Band to perform.

Many years St. Rosalia and Lourdes are on the same weekend but this year St. Rosalia was a week earlier and we were available.

We were asked to play a concert in an excellent time slot - Friday evening at 6:30 - at the height of Lourdes famed fish fry dinner hour.

It was packed when we arrived. There were food tents, the bandstand, and Hawkins rides and amusements all filling up the grounds surrounding the Church and School.

The Band seemed to equal the size of the audience - a larger than usual 43 member band including Arlene, our conductor, and Pat Santacroce, our announcer.

We played many of our Italian favorites and although Lourdes is not primarily an Italian Parish – it was obvious that our music is well-known. We noticed many members of the audience singing along, knowing all the lyrics by heart.

We closed the concert with a salute to America and Patriotism by playing The National Emblem March. Then an audience sing-a-long of, America the Beautiful, You’re a Grand Old Flag, America, and Battle Hymn of the Republic. Our last song was Stars and Stripes Forever with an excellent job on the piccolo solo by Barb Seaton and Varnum Harris.

A special occasion was announced during the concert - it was the 39th Wedding Anniversary of our lead trumpeter, Al Galime and his wife Elaine. We dedicated “Over the Waves” in their honor.

The audience stayed in full force until the very end of our concert.


To view photos please click on the following link
Lady of Lourdes Church Bazaar

August 21, 2011 - St. Rosalia Procession and Concert Utica, NY

Besides the Society itself, there are two strong crutches still “holding up” the Feast of St. Rosalia – Pizza Fritta and The Red Band. People still show up for good Italian food and music.

We assembled Sunday morning in front of the St. Rosalia Chapel to escort the Statue to Mt. Carmel Church for Mass. A small handful of Society members walked along with us.

After Mass the Procession began with the Prayer on the steps of the Church. Four young girls said the Prayer in Italian and tossed rose petals in the air as they shouted “Viva Santa Rosalia”.
Everyone was ready for the Procession to begin – the Banner carriers were at the front, three men were waiting to wheel the Statue, the Band following the Saint ready to play. We had a minor delay with the police car escort not showing up on time to safely lead us through the streets of East Utica. The Police finally arrived and we began our walk.

We stopped for a Prayer at businesses that gave support to the Feast, Grimaldi’s Restaurant, O’scugnizzo’s Pizzeria, Caffe Caruso, Giuseppe’s Bakery, and Sons of Italy - then to a private home on Elizabeth St. before returning to the Chapel.

The girls recited one last Prayer before the Statue was placed back in the Chapel.

We then got ready to play our concert from 4-6pm. The audience turnout was fairly nice – granted an older group – lost in their memories of what the St. Rosalia Feast once was. The music helped them relive those times.

We had a good size band for the concert – 36 musicians, along with our announcer Pat Santacroce, and conductor Professoressa Arlene Iagnocco.

St. Rosalia can still boast of having the largest, fluffiest, most delicious Pizza Fritta. We had to do without the help of Pierre Iagnocco for this job. He was in the kitchen along with Phil and Gloria Enea and other Society members preparing all the food. Having a smaller feast than past years also brings along a more limited but delicious menu of homemade food.

Mention must be given to the Piazza family, our own trumpet player Johnny along with his daughter Diane and other family members who spent countless hours to keep this tradition going year after year.

It’s heartbreaking to see but the old neighborhood is changing rapidly and so many are gone – including Society members Peter Adamo, Vinny Dacquino, and most recently Past President Angie Piazza.

However, St. Rosalia did manage a miracle – the weather forecast called for severe storms and strong winds. The area all around us was miserable but except for a few sprinkles St. Rosalia kept the storms at bay and even cleared the skies for sunshine at the close of the concert.


For more photos please click on the following link
St. Rosalia Procession and Concert

Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 30, 2011 - Rome Honor America Parade

Every year the historic city of Rome, NY, hosts a celebration to Honor America. It begins with an all day event that includes a road race, a 2 ½ hour parade, and an evening symphony concert at Fort Stanwix. The concert concludes with the playing of the 1812 Overture that includes Church Bells and cannon fire from the Fort.

The Red Band made its appearance leading Division 9. The parade is large (13 divisions) and although it began promptly at 10am - our division didn’t step off until close to 11:30.

It was a perfect summer day - sunny and mild with a balmy breeze to keep it “just right” - great parade weather.

An ice cream truck was just ahead of us in the line of march and was passing out a special treat to all the spectators – free popsicles to just about everyone watching the parade including the reviewing stand.

The complete parade route is a 2 mile walk but from where we started on Locust St. down N. James to Embargo, N. George, and ending on W. Dominick St. was a mere 1½ mile walk.

In some places people were sitting and standing 3-4 deep on the sidewalks. We received hearty cheers and applause all along the way and a special acknowledgement from Carl Eilenberg who was doing the announcing on the reviewing stand.


Please click on the following link for photos

Rome Honor America

Friday, July 22, 2011

July 22, 2011 - Ilion Doo Dah Parade

If you drive down the parade route in Ilion 1 hour or so before the annual Doo-Dah parade begins, you will see row after row of lawn chairs stationed on the curbside like sentinels – no people mind you, just empty chairs some roped off, saving spots.

An hour later these seats fill up with the good people of Ilion. Behind them all standing space on the sidewalk is filled as well.

The temperature hovered near 90 but mercifully the humidity and heat index of the day before was broken making the march tolerable. Thank goodness because the length of the route was slightly longer than last year, ending at the far end of the Remington Arms parking lot.

All the usual crazy marchers and floats such as clowns and Santa Claus didn’t seem to mind the heat. The cheers from the spectators kept them going.

We’ve had a few new younger members this year and what good timing – our new trumpet/baritone player, David Peterson’s father, offered to walk with the band supplying water and spray bottles for the band.

He was decked out in the official Red Band uniform - white shirt, black pants and shoes, and a parade ball cap. He had equipped his antique red radio flyer wagon with a big yellow McDonald’s water cooler filled with ice-cold water. He was assisted by the mother of our newest trombone player – Steve Gothom. Every band member really appreciated the cooling drinks and mist sprays on such a hot day. Thanks and welcome to La Banda Rossa!

For more photos of the parade please click on the following link
Ilion Doo Dah Parade

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 17, 2011 - Mt. Carmel Church Festival - Utica, NY

The sun was shining and the temperature soared to 90 for the Festival of St. Mary of Mt. Carmel/Blessed Sacrament Church.
The Red Band played on the blistering streets in the Procession which honors both the Blessed Virgin and the immigrants of East Utica by reciting the decades of the Rosary in 5 different languages – Italian, French, Spanish, Vietnamese, and English. The procession was followed by Benediction at the Shrine Outside of the Church.

Many of the Parishioners were wearing the brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel which they received after completing the Novena. It is a small brown piece of felt with 2 tabs at the ends of the ribbons with pictures of St. Simon Stock on one side and Our Lady on the other. Mary’s promise to St. Simon was that those who died wearing this Scapular shall “Never Suffer Eternal Fire”.
It’s tidbits of Roman Catholic history and tradition such as this that makes each Parish Festival or Feast so special and unique.

After the procession, we refreshed ourselves back at the Feast. Mt. Carmel puts on the best and biggest variety of Italian treats in the city – Mushroom Stew, Sicilian Rice Balls, Sausage and Hot Peppers, Rigatoni, fried meatballs, pizza, pastries, and pizza frite.

Then it was time for our concert. We had a 39 piece band that filled 2 hours with Polkas, Marches, Opera, and Big Band songs. We also played a new Religious song “Inno E Viva Maria” – a solemn Hymn in Honor of the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.

By the end of the concert, the heat seemed to have taken a toll on one or two Band members but the crowd was receptive and enthusiastically cheered us on.

For more photos please click on the following links
Mt. Carmel Procession and Concert