Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011 - St. Cosma-St. Damian Feast Part 2 Sunday Procession - Utica, NY

On Sunday despite a gloomy forecast, it was sunny and warm with temperatures in the 80’s.

The Red Band has 2 processions – the first is to go to a house across from the Church to pick up two young boys dressed as St. Cosma (Green Robe) and Damian (Red Rob
e) and escort them back to the Church and Mass.

In between Processions the Canadian Pilgrims invited Band members to their tables to share food and wine.

For the Grand Procession following the Mass, we split into two bands – one in front of the first Statue to lead the way and one in back of the last statue with hundreds of Pilgrims in-between.

Once again we were greeted by the Tocco Family at the corner of St. Anthony and Mary Streets. With them are two empty chairs so poignantly symbolizing their parents who for many years watched from that corner. It brings a tear to many eyes.

We stop and played “Marcia Reale” to honor all the homes displaying large posters of the Saints. Then we continue with all our Italian procession marches. These songs have echoed through the streets of East Utica for over 100 years – La Banda Rossa Classics.

The walk ended at the Church steps where the huge crowd gave honor not to just Sts. Cosma-Damian but also to St. Padre Pio whose Feast Day is September 23rd. His Statue was also prominently displayed on the Church stairs. (on September 20, 1918, Padre Pio was kneeling in front of a Crucifix when He received the visible marks of the Crucifixion known as Stigmata).

No fights broke out on Sunday!

For photos please click on the following links
Sunday morning procession photos

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