Friday, June 14, 2013

June 8, 2013 - Dolgeville NY Violet Festival Parade

For the past 3 years this parade has faced cool, rainy weather. Once again in 2013 the same weather was unable to dampen the spirits of the citizens of Dolgeville for their beloved Violet Festival.

The Red Band was once again invited to be in it.

Dolgeville hosts one of the best parades in our area.

One of the notable things about Dolgeville’s parade is how many bands participate. It is a joy to hear so much live music in a parade – something once so common is becoming rare. Bravo Dolgeville!

As the Red Band passed the reviewing stand, the announcer introduced us as “The Banda Rossa Marching Band” This title is becoming more and more appropriate for two reasons – we seem to be doing more parades and processions than concerts each year. Another reason is that while high school bands continue to march – many of the smaller community bands have older musicians who aren’t able to march but ride on a flatbed enabling them to be in parades. La Banda Rossa truly is a “Marching Band”

As we continued down the parade route another announcer referred to us as coming “all the way from Utica”

Although many spectators were bundled up in jackets and sweatshirts, we were given a very warm, friendly reception. Even the rain held off until after the parade.

For more photos please click on
Dolgeville Violet Festival


1 comment:

Jackie Rachon said...

Thank you so much for sharing you did a wonderful job! I always enjoy when I see the LaBanda Rossa march by me thank you so much again for participating in Dolgeville Violet Festival Parade

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