Friday, July 22, 2011

July 22, 2011 - Ilion Doo Dah Parade

If you drive down the parade route in Ilion 1 hour or so before the annual Doo-Dah parade begins, you will see row after row of lawn chairs stationed on the curbside like sentinels – no people mind you, just empty chairs some roped off, saving spots.

An hour later these seats fill up with the good people of Ilion. Behind them all standing space on the sidewalk is filled as well.

The temperature hovered near 90 but mercifully the humidity and heat index of the day before was broken making the march tolerable. Thank goodness because the length of the route was slightly longer than last year, ending at the far end of the Remington Arms parking lot.

All the usual crazy marchers and floats such as clowns and Santa Claus didn’t seem to mind the heat. The cheers from the spectators kept them going.

We’ve had a few new younger members this year and what good timing – our new trumpet/baritone player, David Peterson’s father, offered to walk with the band supplying water and spray bottles for the band.

He was decked out in the official Red Band uniform - white shirt, black pants and shoes, and a parade ball cap. He had equipped his antique red radio flyer wagon with a big yellow McDonald’s water cooler filled with ice-cold water. He was assisted by the mother of our newest trombone player – Steve Gothom. Every band member really appreciated the cooling drinks and mist sprays on such a hot day. Thanks and welcome to La Banda Rossa!

For more photos of the parade please click on the following link
Ilion Doo Dah Parade

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