Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 7, 2010 - Whitesboro Veteran's Day Parade

The morning started with a heavy frost – but the sun was warm and the air “chilly” for the Whitesboro Veteran’s Day Parade.

The Red Band was right behind the Legion Color Guard as we marched down Main St. playing the fight songs of each of our Armed Forces.

Participating this year was a large group of Naval ROTC members from area schools.

At the end of the parade we lined up at the Flag Memorial at the American Legion. When everyone was in place, we performed The National Anthem to start the Ceremony.

Because there was a chill in the air, the amount of spectators along the route was a bit sparse – however the turnout at the Legion and by the reviewing stand was large and very patriotic.

A good way to end our 2010 season.

Please click on the link below for photos of the parade
Whitesboro Veteran's Day Parade

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

October 30, 2010 - John Reale-Jean King Wedding

The Groom, John Reale wanted a special surprise on their Wedding Day for his Bride, Jean King, so he hired the Red Band to greet them as they came out of Church as husband and wife.

While the ceremony was taking place we assembled outside of Church at the top of the stairs. The Main doors opened, the happy couple emerged, the Band rolled off and burst into the “Marche Royale”

The Bridesmaids peeking around the door recognized us first – then the Bride looked at us. Her jaw dropped as she displayed a radiant smile that only a Bride can give on her Wedding Day.

The Band was immediately surrounded by a bevy of photographers with cameras and video who captured the moment.

We continued playing Italian songs and marches as they greeted their guests.

Please click on link below for more photos