Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August 17, 2014 - NY State Fire and Drill Team Parade - Deerfield, NY

Every year the volunteer of New York State hold their Firematics and Drill Team competition. There are only 6 tracks in the state and one of them is in Deerfield, NY, just north of Utica.
The last time the parade was held on Genesee St. in Utica but this time it was held in Deerfield marching down Trenton RD and ending at the Firemen’s Field.

We were hired by the host department, Deerfield, which meant we got to lead the parade following the Color Guard.
When we marched in their field days parade back in June – it was pouring rain and all the spectators who didn’t attend were now able to line the road on a beautiful August afternoon.

The route was the same as June and the crowd was cheering us on as we entered the field day grounds playing loud and strong.

We disassembled and called it a day.

The parade with a large number of departments and bands from all over state continued for another 1-2 hours.

Once home and checking the web for news of the parade – we found the parade results.

La Banda Rossa won Third Place for Best Appearing Commercial Musical Unit. Many departments have their own musical groups but because we are hired by a fire department – we are considered to be a commercial group.

For more photos please click on
Deerfield Convention


August 15, 2014 - Feast of the Assumption - Mechanicville, NY

The Red Band was invited back to Mechanicville, NY (just north of Albany) to perform for the Feast of the Assumption on the actual Feast Day - Friday, August 15.

This year we were asked to lead a short procession from the new Church around the block to the old Church which closed in 2009.

The parking lot behind the Church was all setup with tents for food, games, and pastries.Inside the school was a flea market and thrift shop.

We marched into the school lot to complete the procession just as they were erecting a rock-climbing wall and shortly before the food booths opened.

It was a two hour bus trip for us so we had plenty of food on the bus and we were able to have a dinner of sandwiches, peppers, and tomato pie along with many other treats.

Then it was time to setup in the old Church for our concert. The altar had been removed and we placed our chairs and music stands on the platform that was left. All the pews were still in place so the audience had plenty of seating.

Usually when we have our festival concerts outside – the audience is part of the noise. Everyone is eating, talking and greeting friends, and the children are running around playing games and enjoying the rides.

But this concert had a completely different atmosphere. The activity and noise from the feast was still going on outside but the concert was inside.

The audience – and it was a large one – came to listen. There were no distractions. They were quiet and attentive – even as they danced the polka and tarantella down the aisles of the church.
And surprise – we were given 3 standing ovations and we were promptly invited back for next year.

A good time was had by all – especially the musicians.

Maybe it was the acoustics in the church but we all agreed that we gave an exceptional performance that evening.

On the ride back to Utica – everyone was quiet, some sleeping - just reliving the excitement from the day.

For more photos please click on
Feast of the Assumption


July 31, 2014 - Myers Park Concert - Herkimer NY

After an absence of 16 years, the Red Band returned to play a concert in Herkimer, NY, at Myers Park. They supplied us with chairs, lights, a sound system, and a large spacious bandstand.

The audience started arriving as our 32 piece band finished setting up and the concert started promptly at 7pm with a rousing version of Amparito Roca.

We had two debuts at this concert – a new member of the clarinet section, Lindsey Taube, and our trombone section consisting of Mark Cammarere, Frank Rossi, Rose Zaloom, and Dan Dillman were all sporting their “La Banda Rossa Team Trombone” hats.
I think it gave an extra flash when they played New York, New York. Good Job Bones!

Myer’s Park is a great setting for a summer band concert. It’s full of American history – complete with a large bronze statue of Gen. Herkimer.

We appropriately ended our concert with a salute to some great American music: This is My Country, the National Emblem March, Sing for America Medley, and of course the Sousa classic – The Stars and Stripes Forever featuring Barb Seaton on piccolo.

For more photos please click on

Bravo Herkimer

July 26, 2014 - Rome Honor America Days Parade - Rome NY

Originally called Fort Stanwix Days – the Honor America Days Parade has been held in Rome, NY, every July since 1984.The Red Band has been part of it since 1998.

Of all the parades we perform in – this is the largest and kudos must be given to the committee because it is the most organized.

This year we were in the 10th division and even though the parade began at 10:00am – we didn't step off until 11:30.Although the part of the route that we march is just over one mile, it took us 1 hour and 7 minutes to complete.

Thousands of people lined the streets, many were dressed in red, white, and blue, waving flags and enjoying popsicles being passed out by the Nicky Doodles Ice Cream truck a block ahead of us.

Carl Eilenburg, one of the founders of Honor America Days, warmly greeted our director, Arlene, and the Red Band from the podium on the reviewing stand.

The crowd roared - the weather was perfect – and a good time was had by all in Rome.

For more photos please click on