Monday, June 17, 2013

June 14, 2013 - Deerfield Field Days Parade

Last year I commented on the dwindling number of people who used to sit in front of their homes along the steep hill of Trenton Rd to watch the annual Deerfield Firemen’s Field Day Parade – and that trend continues.

I discovered that the crowd has simply moved to the food and beer pavilions and the young people are congregated along the amusement and rides area.

The best place to listen to the Red Band and watch the Firemen is to queue up in the food ticket line, order your food, get a frosty beverage, and take a seat at a picnic table.

We start at the top of the road, lead the parade down the short, downhill route. Then because there aren’t many bands in the parade we stand on the sideline facing the crowded tables and play a mini concert of marches. We continue playing as the fire departments minus the trucks enter the field and pass in front of us.
It was a great night for field days – sunny and pleasantly warm – the dog days of summer are still in the future.

For more photos please click on

Friday, June 14, 2013

June 9, 2013 - Feast of St. Anthony Procession - Utica NY

The sun returned Sunday morning as the Statue of St. Anthony emerged from the church as the Red Band played Gli Asperanti Bandisti.

Once the Statue was firmly in place on its pedestal, the band played several more numbers including the St. Anthony’s Hymn – sung in many Churches on this day.

When the 11:30am Mass was completed the Grand Procession was underway. Friend of the band and birthday girl, Frances Vendetti, walked the entire procession on the arm of her daughter Patricia, and her granddaughter.

Every year at the first corner we come to – we stop to play Marcia Reale for the Tocco and Aiello families. Frank Tocco, a former saxophone player, and Sam Aiello, a former trombone player, have been deceased for a few years now but every year their families come to watch the procession go by and we always stop to play in memory of their loved ones. Frank and Sam will forever remain dear to the Red Band.

The Procession continued on keeping the tradition alive of stopping to play Marcia Reale at every house that displays a statue or poster of St. Anthony.

Back at the church the procession was complete once the statue was carried up the steps and returned inside the church for another year.

For more photos please click on
St. Anthony Procession

June 8, 2013 - Feast of St. Anthony Concert - Utica NY

As the Parish of St. Anthony’s Church turned 101 years old this year, they once again celebrated the Feast of their Patron Saint by inviting the Red Band to play a concert under a large tent on the church grounds.

The crowd was at its largest when we arrived to setup for our 8pm concert. We added a few new Italian favorites to our repertoire this year – Viene Sul Mar, Non Dimenticar, an Italian march Trento de Triesti, and played highlights from an opera that’s an Italian favorite – Nabucodonosor.

The band was strong – 39 musicians. For this concert more musicians make for a fuller and more robust sound and the audience showed their appreciation.

Each year at our first church concert - we begin with a tribute to those members who have died during the past year. This year we honored Henry “Red” Brunet, a former percussionist and Carm Graziano, our French Horn player, who passed away in April while he was still in Florida. We played a special Marcia Funebre entitled “Una Lagrima ed un Fiore – A Tear and Flower” as our 1st selection.

St. Anthony’s Parish also suffered a very recent loss with pne of their parishioners, “Aunt Jennie” Mucitelli, on June 3rd. Her part in the St. Anthony Feast was just as vital as the music of the Red Band.

Jennie was “instrumental” in the preparation and production of the Pizza Fritta! Without Jennie at the helm there seemed to be a bit of a snafu this year – they had a problem getting the dough to rise – but the problem seemed to be quickly resolved.

The weather was getting cooler and the crowd was all but gone when we finished the concert at 10pm.

It’s evident that the aging parishioners just can’t take sitting outside on the colder evenings.
Sad but true!

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June 8, 2013 - Dolgeville NY Violet Festival Parade

For the past 3 years this parade has faced cool, rainy weather. Once again in 2013 the same weather was unable to dampen the spirits of the citizens of Dolgeville for their beloved Violet Festival.

The Red Band was once again invited to be in it.

Dolgeville hosts one of the best parades in our area.

One of the notable things about Dolgeville’s parade is how many bands participate. It is a joy to hear so much live music in a parade – something once so common is becoming rare. Bravo Dolgeville!

As the Red Band passed the reviewing stand, the announcer introduced us as “The Banda Rossa Marching Band” This title is becoming more and more appropriate for two reasons – we seem to be doing more parades and processions than concerts each year. Another reason is that while high school bands continue to march – many of the smaller community bands have older musicians who aren’t able to march but ride on a flatbed enabling them to be in parades. La Banda Rossa truly is a “Marching Band”

As we continued down the parade route another announcer referred to us as coming “all the way from Utica”

Although many spectators were bundled up in jackets and sweatshirts, we were given a very warm, friendly reception. Even the rain held off until after the parade.

For more photos please click on
Dolgeville Violet Festival


Thursday, June 6, 2013

June 2, 2013 - Feast of Corpus Christi Utica NY

The Red Band was asked to play a procession for the Feast of Corpus Christi at St. Joseph/St. Patrick’s Parish at the conclusion of the 10:30am Mass. We were told it would take place rain or shine.

It so happened that the moment the Mass was over – the Heavens opened up and a much needed steady rain began.

Plan “B” went into effect – the procession would be held inside the Church. The band stood in the Vestibule playing “O Salutaris” - the low, vaulted ceiling making for a superb acoustic effect.

Down the center aisle came the Clergy, the Knights of St. John, the acolytes with candles and incense, and the Parishioners who stayed after Mass.

Under a white processional canopy, Pastor Richard Dellos carried the large gold monstrance containing the Blessed Sacrament. The Procession continued all along the side aisles and circled the whole Church.

Once completed the band lined up at the center aisle playing Hymns such as “Holy God We Praise Thy Name”, “Tantum Ergo”, and “Marche Pontificale” for the Benediction.

The Priest then brought the monstrance throughout the Church blessing each row of Parishioners and La Banda Rossa as well.

The ceremony concluded with “The Divine Praises” prayer and an appreciative round of applause for the band.

We also received a special thank you for holding the procession inside. It allowed many of the older people who were unable to walk outside to participate by sitting in the pews and watching. They were pleased to be included and that’s important to remember.

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