Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 7, 2010 - Whitesboro Veteran's Day Parade

The morning started with a heavy frost – but the sun was warm and the air “chilly” for the Whitesboro Veteran’s Day Parade.

The Red Band was right behind the Legion Color Guard as we marched down Main St. playing the fight songs of each of our Armed Forces.

Participating this year was a large group of Naval ROTC members from area schools.

At the end of the parade we lined up at the Flag Memorial at the American Legion. When everyone was in place, we performed The National Anthem to start the Ceremony.

Because there was a chill in the air, the amount of spectators along the route was a bit sparse – however the turnout at the Legion and by the reviewing stand was large and very patriotic.

A good way to end our 2010 season.

Please click on the link below for photos of the parade
Whitesboro Veteran's Day Parade

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

October 30, 2010 - John Reale-Jean King Wedding

The Groom, John Reale wanted a special surprise on their Wedding Day for his Bride, Jean King, so he hired the Red Band to greet them as they came out of Church as husband and wife.

While the ceremony was taking place we assembled outside of Church at the top of the stairs. The Main doors opened, the happy couple emerged, the Band rolled off and burst into the “Marche Royale”

The Bridesmaids peeking around the door recognized us first – then the Bride looked at us. Her jaw dropped as she displayed a radiant smile that only a Bride can give on her Wedding Day.

The Band was immediately surrounded by a bevy of photographers with cameras and video who captured the moment.

We continued playing Italian songs and marches as they greeted their guests.

Please click on link below for more photos

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 9, 2010 - Albany Columbus Italian Festival

The Red Band was “on the road again” on Saturday, October 9, to lead the Procession in the 19th Annual Columbus Italian Festival in Albany, NY.

Our Bus arrived in Albany at the beautiful grounds of Washington Park where the event was being held. The Procession kicks off the Festival which features music, dancing, Italian cuisine, and family entertainment.

We stepped off at high noon and marched down a shady lane that was lined with Italian flags that were waving in a gentle wind on a perfect, sunny, autumn afternoon.

We proceeded to the Main Stage at the Lakehouse – circled around to face the stage and played Italian Marches as the floats and marchers went by.

Included in the Procession was a float with Columbus at the helm of the Santa Maria, a Salute to Mother Cabrini, and horses including the Roman Rider.

We were well received by the crowd and just as the day’s program was about to start...we were back on our bus heading home to Utica.

Please click on link below for more photos

October 8, 2010 - Adjusters International Picnic

The Adjuster’s International Company located in The Utica Business Park hired the Red Band to play at their 25th Anniversary Picnic. It was held on the lawn and parking lot in front of their office building on a Friday afternoon.

There was a definite Italian flavor to this event – it was catered in grand style by the Ancora Restaurant. It featured an Italian buffet with Saranac beverages and red, white, and green floral displays on pristine white table cloths. They graciously invited the Band to partake of some refreshments during our break – did I mention the platters of Pastries?

The highlight of their picnic was the very competitive Bocce Ball game that was being played right in front of the Band. The teams were named after various catastrophes such as Typhoon and Hurricane.

Although it was a sunny, mild day – the wind was very strong. A tent had been setup for us to play in and the side flaps kept blowing inward knocking over chairs and music stands. We had to secure the flaps with bungee cords onto Arlene’s car. THE SHOW MUST GO ON!!

Please click on link below for photos

Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 25-26, 2010 - St. Cosma-St. Damian Feast - Utica, NY

When we arrived at St. Anthony’s Church on Saturday evening the air was full of voices and the sizzle and crackle of mini-firecrackers. The tent, pavilion, and Church were crowded with people and the band area and dance floor were roped off waiting for us to setup.

Our former trumpeter, Pat Putrello, was installing his stage lights around the area where the Band would be playing.

Our 39 member Band was all seated ready to begin playing with the audience gathered around us but we all had to wait for the Candlelight Procession and the Benediction to end before we could begin our concert.

When our Conductress, Arlene, signaled for our Concert-Master, Richard Pashley, to tune-up the Band, our most patient audience broke into applause! That was a first…we’ve never received an applause for tuning-up.

Once we played the three National Anthems; United States, Canadian, and Italian, the crowd exploded into one big cheer. They sang each classic song in Italian…they danced Tangos, Polkas, Fox Trots, and Waltzes…and they treated us royally.

Their buses arrived and it was sad to watch them slowly disperse. By the time we played our last Tarantella they were all but gone.

Everyone was back in full force on Sunday morning. The tables were piled with picnic baskets, flowers, fresh fruit, peppers, eggplant, greens, polenta, cheeses, and home-made wine.

The Band led a group of people (mostly Canadians), to a house near the Church to pick up 2 young boys dressed as the Sts. Cosma and Damian and escort them back to Church for Mass.

While waiting for Mass to end and the Procession to begin the Band members had time to enjoy eggplant sandwiches, sausage and peppers, or a late breakfast of pastries, coffee, and BEER!!.

We form two bands to accommodate the length of the Grand Procession….one plays in the front and one at the end. We were delighted to be joined by former band member from long ago – drummer Maurice Putrello.

This Feast is not just about the Canadian Pilgrims – it’s also about the Red Band members, many who are Parishioners of St. Anthony’s. Among then are the Galimes – Al and his children Mike, Julia, and Richard (when he’s in town) all play in the Band, and his wife Elaine can always be found making Pizza Frite.

Along the Procession route we stop at houses that display the Portraits of the Saints and play Marcia Reale.

We also stop at specific street corners to greet and acknowledge the Families of long time Band members that have passed away. It has become a tradition that they stand there as the Band stops to play Marcia Reale in their honor.

When we return to the Church, musicians from the front re-united with the back band to play a rousing rendition of Bravura and then Marcia Reale as the Statues of the Saints are returned to the Altar in the Church. The Official conclusion of the Feast.

Please click on following link for photos

Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 19, 2010 - San Gennaro - Utica, NY

The Sons of Italy celebrated their 1st Annual Feast of San Gennaro and they pulled out all the stops.

Sunday’s celebration began with a solemn Mass held at The Parish of Mt. Carmel/Blessed Sacrament Church. It was in Italian and featured Mozart’s Coronation Mass performed by the Utica Symphony Orchestra and the Festival Chorus of San Gennaro including members of the Oneida Area Civic Chorale.

Mass was immediately followed by a Procession led by the Red Band from Mt. Carmel Church, up Mohawk St., and over Bleecker St.

We continued right into a large tent and stopped in front of a Statue of San Gennaro. After a Blessing to San Gennaro by the Very Rev. Stephen Enea …we played a few more songs in celebration.

The parking lot of The Sons of Italy was filled with tents featuring not only Italian food but food from many of the various ethnic groups found in the city. There were also games and carnival rides along with tents and stands selling Religious and Italian items.

We returned in the afternoon to play a Concert from 4:30-6:30 to close the Feast. We could hear the audience singing along as we played many of their favorite Italian songs.

The inaugural San Gennaro Feast in Utica is off to a fine start.


Please click on link below for photos
San Gennaro Festival

Friday, September 17, 2010

September 17, 2010 - Festa Italiana - Syracuse, NY

The Red Band hit the road in a chartered bus once again – this time it’s “Westward Ho” to Syracuse to play for the Festa Italiana.

The bus directed into the back-stage parking lot where the stagehands were right there waiting for us. The crew helped unload our equipment and setup the chairs. Once they were done – it was up the ramp or the side stairs and onto the big stage.

The stage was next to the State Office Building looking out onto City Hall Plaza which was filled with chairs for our audience and a city of large white tents selling pastas, meats, pastries, beer, wine, and souvenirs. Even the Villa Pizza Frite booth from the State Fair was there.

We were in full force with a large group of 33 musicians and back with us after a long absence were Rocky Reed and Peg Carrier (welcome back).

Our Interlocutor, Pat Santacroce, helped introduce us to Syracuse and kept the audience entertained with stories about the background of the musical numbers we performed.

All the chairs filled as our concert progressed and the music was greeted with strong applause and shouts of “Bravo”.

There was a large crowd milling about in the tent area (it was dinner time), and lots of people were playing Bocce Ball in a court setup on the grass in front of City Hall.

It was a very good turnout for a brisk fall evening.

We played from 6:00-7:30 – took our bows – saluted the audience with Marcia Reale and a “VIVA SYRACUSE”. Then it was back on the bus for the ride home.

Ah! Show Business! We’re getting just like the pros.

Please click on link below for photos
Syracuse Festa Italiana

Sunday, August 15, 2010

August 14, 2010 - Feast of the Assumption - Mechanicville, NY

It’s time once again for The Red Band to board a bus at 7:30am for our road trip to celebrate The Feast of the Assumption in Mechanicville, NY.

The Assumption is a Holy Day of Obligation and even though that term can sound strict and solemn - in the Middle Ages these Holy Days were a time of feasting and celebration.

Our Birnie Bus driver, Mike, drove us into Mechincville via Saratoga Ave. which we all recognized as part of the procession route. The bus unknowingly became part of the procession as we followed the young girls carrying the Saint on their way to Mass.

As everyone entered the large Church - we parked behind the small Church that in previous years had been the site of the Mass. That Church closed last year and merged with the larger Church one short block away.

We were able to use the Parish Hall to freshen up and get ready for our march through the streets. Then we walked down to the Church to line up and meet the Parishioners on the steps after Mass with the playing of “Marcia Reale”

We proceeded down the street, up a hill, over a bridge and straight to Costanzo’s Restaurant and Lounge to enjoy a sandwich buffet for all the people in the procession. After thanking them with the Tarantella and Marche Reale – it was back on the streets.

We continued over the Round Lake Ave. loop briefly stopping at a house that was kind enough to have cold beverages and for those of age - a sampling of Anisette.

After continuing our march in the sun and heat – we stopped again to enjoy the shade and a “Grand Buffet” setup in front of the Clements family home. Every year we greatly enjoy their hospitality as they serve this great feast in Honor of the Assumption.

This year instead of ending at the old Train Depot- the Festival was moved to the grassy expanse of Tallmadge Park – where we were greeted with a barrage of fire-crackers exploding as we marched onto the field.

Then it was back on the bus where most of the musicians stayed and took a nap until 4pm when we were treated to a dinner buffet back at Costanzo’s.

We all know that Utica is famous for bragging rights as the “Best Italian Food in the Northeast”. However let it be known that the Italian food in Mechanicville is just as delicious and the Costanzo’s have been extremely gracious hosts to us every year during this trip. We can’t thank them enough for the kindness they have shown us.

After dinner it was back to the Park for a 2 hour concert. The crowd grew larger as the evening went on. Then it was back on the bus for the long ride home.


Please click on the link below for photos
Mechaniville Feast of the Assumption

Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 7, 2010 - Frankfort Italian Festival - Herkimer County Fairgrounds

Finally the heat and humidity broke and the weather provided a perfect summer evening - comfortable for both the musicians and the audience.

We were glad to see the event is growing and there were more people in attendance than the previous year.

The band played a full selection of traditional Italian songs, along with a few marches, polkas, and show tunes.

The audience clapped along with their favorites and we did hear some of the audience singing even if they weren't sure of the words for the Italian songs.

Please click on the following link for more photos

Saturday, July 31, 2010

July 31, 2010 - Rome Honor America Parade

It was perfect weather for a parade - sunny, mild with low humidity

It was also a perfect place to "Honor America" - Historical Rome NY" - birthplace of the Erie Canal and home to the Revolutionary War's Fort Stanwix.

We didn't forget the former Air Force Base when we played the Air Force March along with all the other service marches.

The parade route was packed with spectators from when we stepped off on Pine St. all the way to the end with many of them decked out in red, white, and blue.

As we turned onto Embargo St. to pass by the reviewing stand, the Parade Master of Ceremonies, Carl Eilenberg gave a special shout-out to our Band Director, Arlene Iagnocco. He loudly called her name over the loudspeaker and cheered "VIVA LA BANDA ROSSA".

We then proceeded down North George and ended the parade just past the Capitol Theater on West Dominick St.

Please click on the following link for more photos.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 18, 2010 - Mt. Carmel Church Festival - Utica, NY

Our 3-day weekend of Red Band gigs concluded at The Mt. Carmel Church Festival with a morning procession and an afternoon concert.

The Procession now reflects the cultural diversity of Utica. We led the Parishioners through the streets of East Utica and as in recent years The Rosary is recited at stops along the way.

Each decade is prayed in 5 different languages. This year they were: Italian, Burmese (most recent refugees are from the Myanmar Republic, formerly Burma), Spanish, Vietnamese, and English.

The Procession ended at the Shrine with Benediction and the singing of "Tantem Ergo" - a reminder that before Vatican II- all of the Western Roman Catholic Church was united by one universal language - Latin.

After a short break to enjoy the food and drink, we gave a 2 hour concert under the tent and out of the sun.

Our interlocutor, Pat Santacroce, was on hand to introduce each song, which included "Ave Maria", and new this year "Reminiscences of Verdi" and "Neopolitan Rhapsody - all of which received tumultuous applause.

Please click on Link below for photos